Burn calories, not ciggies!
In 2008, we created the 'Käry' (Burn) magazine for a youth anti-smoking campaign by the Cancer Society of Finland. Over the years, 750 000 copies have been printed and handed out in schools, shopping centers and events. For our sixth issue in October 2013, we wanted to try something new: to focus on the positive. We wanted to tell about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle instead of highlighting the negatives of a bad one.
Talented young journalists were hired to deliver the message. They set out to interview Finnish celebrities, athletes and models about their lifestyles and asked for their tips for beginners – also linking to additional digital content on YouTube, Instagram and Facebook. The idea was to take advantage of the current fitness craze and encourage the young readers to take the leap towards a more wholesome lifestyle. And as a result, to make the decision to quit smoking – their own.
Advertising Agency: 358, Helsinki, Finland
Creative Director: Ale Lauraéus
Art Director: Mark Nurmi
Graphic designer: Isa Jokela-Gomez
Copywriter: Antti Tähtinen
Agency producer: Peggy Petrell
Photographer: Pekka Mustonen
Published: October 2013